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Matt Rexroad

Give us the full menu of choices

I don’t want to hear a bunch of nonsense about a choice between borrowing lottery proceeds and an increase in the state sales tax.

The people of California want the choice between a revenue increase (taxes, bonds, fees, whatever…) and "blowing up boxes" in state government.  Let’s blow some boxes up.

If the voters of California actually have to make the decisions for our elected representatives then give us the full menu of choices that includes reductions in state government.

I would chose to completely eliminate the lottery, leave sales tax where it is, and use this opportunity to restructure numerous parts of state government.

One Response to “Give us the full menu of choices”

  1. Says:

    What’s worse is that it isn’t actually a choice. Even if the lottery proposal is passed, the sales tax still kicks in if it fails to produce the anticipated revenue to the “revenue stabilization fund.”

    Would someone please remind me of why exactly I spent about 16 years of my life electing Republicans to office?