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Tab Berg

Free Advice, part 2: if you say you’ve spent your whole life working for conservative Republicans, don’t endorse liberal Democrats.

Yes, I know, more unsolicited and likely unwelcome free advice – it’s the bane of consultants and campaigners everywhere.

But anyway, I recently posted information from the Registrar of Voters about Paul Hegyi not actually being a Sacramento Republican for 10 of the last 13 years (for math people that 23%)… now it turns out he was also supporting left-wing candidates as well…

In his "Dear Republicans" splash page, 32-year old Paul claims that he spent his “whole life supporting conservative Republican causes and candidates..."  What he should have said is "Ever since they started paying me, I’ve been supporting Republicans."

You see, it seems that Paul was a feature endorsement for uber-lefty Sean South (along with the President of the Sac State Young Democrats and former Darryl Steinberg CofS Gary Davis).

South – as many Capitol people will recall – headed up Compassion & Choices and was a leading proponent for creating an "aid-in-dying law like the one in Oregon."  He also ran for office numerous times – everything from ASI to Assembly and Mayor of Sacramento – so his views were well documented.

Now if Paul had an epiphany a few years ago and suddenly decided to embrace Republican values and candidates, I’d be the first to welcome him.

Just don’t say that you’ve spent your whole life fighting for conservative Republicans when you haven’t.