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Jon Fleischman

The Unheralded Key Player in the Election of Speaker Karen Bass

Yesterday much to-do was made of this historic nature of the California Assembly electing its first African American female Speaker.  There isn’t an article that appears in a major newspaper today on Bass’ taking the oath of office that does not mention this fact.  But there is a very important fact that is not mentioned.  A critical factor is left out of the story.  A factor so important that without its occurrence, it is extremely unlikely that Speaker Bass would have been elected…

Legislative term limits.

If the “ruling class” of the Capitol had been successful in passing Proposition 93, the term-limits weakening measure placed on the ballot by former Speaker Fabian Nunez, this “historic event” never would have taken place.  Without the voter-enacted three-term limit for members of the State Assembly, Karen Bass would not have had an opportunity to become Speaker.  In fact, without Proposition 140’s limits, it is entirely likely that Bass would never have been elected to the Assembly in the first place.  Yes, the very term limits that will cause Karen Bass to retire in 2010 are responsible, in a large part, for her being able to serve the next few years in the Assembly’s highest post.

Before Proposition 140 was passed by the voters, it was commonplace for members of the legislature to serve for decades (in many case three, and in some cases four decades).   Look no further than the poster-child for the passage of 140, former Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown.  Brown served in the Assembly for over three decades, and famously occupied the office of Speaker for 15 years.

I have heard from some who work in or around the Capitol complaining that our current system which limits Assemblymembers to six years of total service in the lower chamber is too strict, that it creates too much turnover.  Many of these folks do not put a lot of stock in how our current term limits provide an opportunity for significantly more people to be able to serve in the legislature, bringing a critical fresh perspective of “life on the outside” of the State Capitol.  Of course, it is also significant that after their three terms are up, unless elected to yet another office, these legislators will go back into the “real world” to live under the laws they have created (as opposed to the old days, when legislators would often serve until they were too old or too infirm to continue on in office).

So when everyone is cheering for Speaker Bass’ notable achievement – let us also thank the voters of California for their wisdom in passing Proposition 140.  Without it, Willie Brown might still be wielding his gavel.  And Bass?  She probably would never have had the chance to serve in the legislature at all, let alone become the first African American female to serve in that capacity.

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