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Tab Berg

Free Advice: if you claim to be a life-long Republican, it would be nice if you really were.

I noted the interesting "want ad" from my friend Tom Ross soliciting money for an effort to help Paul Hegyi’s campaign.

So here’s my free, unsolicited and likely unwanted advice:

If your 32-year candidate says  " I’ve spent my life working for conservative Republican causes and candidates…," you might want to make sure he actually was a life-long Republican.

It turns out Paul has only been a Registered Republican in Sacramento since 2005...  before that he never voted in a Republican Primary in Sacramento County because he was registered Decline To State… Seems like we’ve heard this story before (queue  Mary Jo Ford music)..

PS:  here’s my disclaimer — I’m working on the campaign of David Sander – who actually is a life-long Republican and is godfather of my twin girls.

3 Responses to “Free Advice: if you claim to be a life-long Republican, it would be nice if you really were.”

  1. Says:

    Wow. Talk about grasping at straws. I don’t know for certain, but it seems to me that when Paul first registered after turning eighteen, he probably didn’t know what party to support, like many voters of that age. However, like Ronald Reagan, Melanie Morgan, and many other conservative leaders, he quickly realized that the Republican party is the way to go. And isn’t that what we really need right now? Republicans who know how to attract those who may be in the center and convince them that our party is really the party of hope and liberty?

    True, Paul probably wasn’t walking precincts for Republican candidates when he was in diapers. But once he saw the light, he has devoted vitrually his entire life to campaigning for Republicans and conservative causes. When I first met Paul in 2006, he was spending his weekends working on Tony Strickland’s campaign while also serving as Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Van Tran. I know his involvement in Republican causes has extended farther back as well. So he has truely devoted his adult life to Republican causes.

    NOTE: I am a friend of Paul’s and have volunteered on his campaign, but that is the extent of my involvment. I haven’t participated in day to day operations of the campaign, so this should not be seen as an official “response” from the Hegyi campaign.

  2. Says:

    I agree with Andy in the sense that we should welcome all the republicans to the party regardless of if they are lifelong or not, however…when you lie and say you are a LIFELONG republican working for REPUBLICAN ideals, you have to accept when a campaign calls you out for it.

  3. Says:

    When the Daily Breeze published how Mary Jo Ford had hopscotched parties, Hegyi fired off a bizarre letter threatening to sue them for printing the truth. Maybe he’ll do the same to Tab for this.