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Jon Fleischman

State Senate GOPers Also Need To Stop Coronating Democrats

I have gotten a few notes from folks asking me why I did not talk about the State Senate in my earlier post on how Republicans should not participate in coronating Democrats as Speakers.

To be honest, I didn’t leave out the Senate for any reason other than it is the Assembly that votes for a Speaker tomorrow…

That said, Republicans in the State Senate also need to change how they do things. Apparently, over there, there’s an actual roll call vote for President Pro-Tempore where GOPers have for some time been voting for the Demcrat. Ugh!

When the vote comes up for Steinberg, Republicans should be placing Dave Cogdill’s name into nomination. He will lose, but that’s to be expected. But having Republicans vote for a Republican, and not a Democrat, is the right thing to do for all of the reasons outlined in my earlier post.