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Jon Fleischman

McNerney Makes Roll Call’s Top Ten List Of Most Vulnerable Incumbents

Roll Call* has published their list of the Top Ten Must Vulnerable Incumbents In Congress.  Six are Democrats, four are Republicans — only one is from California — below is the relevant excerpt:

Not only did McNerney oust then-House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R) in the 2006 general election, to get there he had to upset the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s preferred candidate in the primary. So McNerney has shown his mettle. Still, he’s sitting in a fairly conservative district. And his challenger, former state Assemblyman Dean Andal (R), carries none of the baggage that Pombo did. What’s more, environmental groups won’t be running the multimillion-dollar — pardon the expression — scorched earth campaign against Andal that they did against Pombo.

[*Roll Call requires a paid subscription to read.]