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Brandon Powers

San Bernardino County Supervisorial Candidate Rita Vogler Wants to Repeal Prop 13

In 1978, after years of scandalous actions by local agencies in the definition of property taxes, voters passed Prop 13 setting a single statewide standard.  It has become the ‘third rail’ in California politics because of the protections against abuse it offers taxpayers as well as guaranteeing a great tax rate.

In 1980, Prop 8 was passed to define who, how, and why property was to be reassessed for lower values, again offering a landmark protection against bureaucrats who were continuing to raise property taxes even though property was going down in value.

For over 25 years these two bulwarks against government intrusion into our lives have protected families and land owners big and small.

That is why when a politician comes along promising to lower property taxes unilaterally, I smile – because even though it sounds great, they are really offering to repeal Prop 13 and Prop 8.

Hesperia Councilwoman Rita Vogler, a large land owner herself, is running against Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt in the First District in San Bernardino County.

Councilwoman Vogler has built part of her fortune on the low, predictable property tax rates afforded by the protections of Prop 13 and Prop 8.

And even with her intimate knowledge of property taxes, it is a mark of her desperation that she is promising to single handedly lower property taxes once elected.


Because everyone in the First District has already seen what Mitzelfelt has been doing in office and is backing him.  The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association endorsed Mitzelfelt because he is trying to extend the protections of Prop 13 related initiatives like Prop 90 to seniors in his county.

Mitzelfelt has led the County on the issue of protecting the value of senior’s homes and he has worked closely with the voter elected Assessor on the reassessments of property battered by the downturn.

So, instead of running on another issue since Mitzelfelt’s record on taxes is unassailable, Vogler is making up a promise she can’t deliver on an issue she has to know is false.

I look for voters to reject Vogler’s plan to repeal Prop 13 and Prop 8 as thoroughly as they reject her in June.