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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary – AD 36: Steve Knight Poised For A Primary Victory

This year, term limits causes the State Assembly to lose one of its most qualified legislators, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner. (I remember “back in the day” when I was running for State President of the California Republican Assembly and Sharon, and her husband, George, were heading up the mega-sized Antelope Valley Republican Assembly.  Fortunately they supported me in my effort!)  The primary election to replace her has presented one of the most important elections for Republicans in the state.

Generally, Republican primaries contain candidates with a mixture of similar values and similar backgrounds. The most viable candidates are usually very qualified Republicans pitted against each other despite similar ideologies.  To many on the outside, no matter which candidate wins the primary, the votes will be the same and they will be reliable.

However, in the election to replace Sharon Runner, there is a candidate in the primary behind whom which virtually all Republican leaders are united. The other two candidates in the race are engaging in rather anemic campaigns, demonstrating little support.  The candidates running are Palmdale Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knight, (son of the late Senator Pete Knight), Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford and Attorney Steve Fox.

**There is more – click the link**

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