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Congressman John Campbell

Today’s Commentary: Lions, Tigers, and Bears

Lions and Tigers and Bears: I am an animal person. Some of you may already know that. I have owned or sheltered or studied all manner of God’s creatures. And I have always been disgusted by cruelty towards animals and the senseless killing of them. So, I am the lead sponsor (along with Raul Grijalva, D-AZ) of the Bear Protection Act. All manner of bears in America have been poached in order to have their gall bladders used for ritual worship in some eastern cultures. The poachers will kill the bear simply for this particular organ, and just leave the rest of it there. The Bear Protection Act would make it a crime to transport certain bear organs across state lines. 33 states already have laws against this practice and this would align federal law and close a loophole through which the poachers continue to slaughter these noble creatures. For you hunters out there, this does not restrict legal hunting in any way. I hope we can get this bill through the House in the next few months. I will keep you posted.

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Lions, Tigers, and Bears”

  1. Says:

    Thank you John for trying to control the spendacholics in Washington. We are going to send you help by electing Tom McClintock in CD4… and rejecting big spender, former Congressman Doug Ose.