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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup

A serious firestorm is brewing in greater LA over remarks made by Rev. Eric Lee made in front of Jewish philanthropist Daphna Ziman [Arden Realty] .

On April 4th Ziman was to be honored by receiving the Tom Bradley Distinguished Citizen Award by the black fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi. After Ms. Ziman receive her award for her support of black foster children, she was followed by keynote speaker Rev. Lee.

Tom Bradley a pleasant if ineffective mayor of Los Angeles earmarked a milestone in LA politics by fusing the Jewish westside with Southside blacks into a dominating political force. Bradley was a 30 year cop who came up clean during some sordid years of LAPD before Chief Parker clearned house in the 1950’s. That once optomistic and youthful coalition now lies in tatters. How ironic the recepient of the Bradley award was insulted by an extended irrational anti Semetic attack.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup”

  1. Says:

    Since you managed to sneak Barack’s name into your post at the end and raise questions about his support for Israel, it should be pointed out both that he has denied ever making the comments Mr. Kalidi has claimed and perhaps more to the point, has been a strong supporter of the State of Israel going back to his first campaign for Congress, when he challenged an incumbent member of Congress because the incumbent wasn’t doing enough to build alliances with other groups specifically pointing to the problems between the African American community and the Jewish community as a place where a leader should be trying to build bridges. Also on point is that Barack Obama’s chief foreign policy advisor (and friend of many years) is Dennis Ross who is known as a friend of Israel and has served not just Democrats, but also both President Bush’s in the Middle East. Ross has said that Obama is the strongest supporter of Israel in the Presidential race.