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Jon Fleischman

Sometimes Converts Are The Most Passionate

Once upon a time, when now-Congressman Kevin McCarthy was a Young Republican activist, we used to cross swords on some issues. One, in particular, was the Life issue. I was a passionate advocate for the party’s strong stand for the unborn and Kevin… Well, we didn’t agree. Then again, those schooled by moderates like former Congressman Bill Thomas and his moderate minion tended to…do as ordered.

Well, years have gone by now, and to Kevin’s credit, as he has found his own way, he’s moved to the right. Many acknowledge that while he still has some of Thomas’ pragmatic brinksmanship, he’s definately staked out a more principled stand on many issues (for example McCarthys’s been reasonably good on the issue of earmarks, where Thomas was a porker of some skill).

Anyways, I’ve been told that McCarthy will be announced as Chairman of the Platform Committee for this Summer’s RNC Convention… Congratulations! An honor for the Congressman, and for California. All of these years later, it will be Kevin’s job to make sure that the GOP stands tall for the Right to Life of the innocent unborn.

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One Response to “Sometimes Converts Are The Most Passionate”

  1. Says:

    How ironic,

    A supporter of Partial Birth Brooks Firestone over Shawn Steel for CRP chair. A supporter of Doris Allen and Brian Setencich instead of Curt Pringle.

    Yes, Kevin is better than Bill. Of course I’m sure he would hate for some us to tell his church going relatives and the pastors at Valley Baptist Church that he is pro-choice. Of course he never did demand a retraction when George Skelton wrote that he only opposed partial birth abortion.

    Well Kevin, thanks to Jon’s tip, all eyes are on you.