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Congressman John Campbell

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Earlier this week, Senator Hillary Clinton said "We didn’t ask for George Bush’s tax cuts. We didn’t want them and we didn’t need them." Earlier this year, Warren Buffett testified before Congress saying in part "I think we need to….take a little more out of the hides of guys like me." Barbara Streisand once said "Republicans cater to the rich. I’d rather pay more taxes, see social reform, health care and research for AIDS."

All of these people could have voluntarily paid more in taxes. But they chose not to. Maybe that’s because it is not easy or clear how you can pay extra taxes if you want to.

I am here to help. This week, I introduced the "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Act." Under this bill, a line would be added to the tax form 1040 which would easily allow you to add as much additional tax as you would like over the amount that has been computed. Furthermore, you can call for the money to be spent rather than just applied to pay down the deficit. Under this bill, all those people who want to see the Bush tax cuts repealed could easily pay that extra tax. After all, shouldn’t they lead by example?

Yep, the Clintons, Obamas, Streisand, Buffett, Charlie Rangel can all pay more tax to show us they mean it and they can fund their favorite earmarks or whatever Congress wants to fund with that money.

Just don’t ask the rest of us, through government fiat, to pay what you want to pay and fund what you want to fund.

By the way, Senator Clinton was invited to the press conference we had to introduce this bill. I didn’t see her there. Maybe her "check got lost in the mail?"

Pigs: Last week, Citizens Against Government Waste introduced their annual "Pig Book" with all of the worst "pork" and worst "porkers" in Congress. I could tell you about it in writing here, but I appeared on Fox News last Sunday to talk about it. So, here is that 5 minute clip about what’s in the "Pig Book" and what it means. Oink.

2 Responses to “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”

  1. Says:

    I think this is a brilliant idea. If people think they’re under taxed and want to pay more to the Treasury, then by all means go ahead and knock yourselves out.

  2. Says:

    Of course the left won’t support that. High taxes aren’t just about revenue, it is about CONTROL. And for there to be control…it must be mandatory.