Yesterday on party-line votes, once again Democrats killed reasonable efforts to explore and expanded use of nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. Ignoring the proven safety statistics of modern Nuclear Power Plants, and in blatant disregard for their own global warming hysteria, turned down a massive power alternative that has a significantly lower impact on the amount of man-made CFC’s that are emitted into the atmosphere.
Last week I was chatting with Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who has been the champion in the legislature for looking at the expansion of the use of nuclear power in California. He told me about how he had been tapped by Boalt School of Law at Cal to prepare a "scholarly paper" on this whole topic. He said that it would soon be published, and I asked him to let me know once it was, so I could share it with FR readers. Well, the piece is now online! Below is a brief introduction to the piece penned by DeVore, with the a link over to his article, "Relative Risk: Global Warming and Imported Fossil Fuels vs. Nuclear Power."

After more than a year of intense advocacy on behalf of modern nuclear power, writing the piece itself was not all that difficult – getting the footnotes in order was a different story as the last time I wrote a footnoted research paper was for the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College some six year ago.
My piece concludes by noting, “California is not an island. When we act to increase the cost of doing business here, whether through higher taxes or more burdensome regulations, capital and labor have the choice to move elsewhere. California is the most electrically efficient state in America and the third most energy efficient state overall… …making California less competitive has the unintended impact of moving economic activity to other states or nations with less environmentally friendly economies. Any production of goods or services lost to Nevada or Arizona sets us back in the struggle to reduce global (greenhouse gas) emissions – and a loss to coal-fired China or India is far, far worse.”
The link to the full paper is below.
Chuck DeVore
California State Assemblyman, 70th District
Relative Risk: Global Warming and Imported Fossil Fuels vs. Nuclear Power
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