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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: The Hon. Jerry Duncan: Local Leadership Is Needed To Stop Anti-Employer Legislation

Fresno City Councilman Jerry Duncan is playing a leadership role at the local level in opposing ill-advised state legislation, authored by liberal Democrat Fiona Ma, that would put a huge new burden on California employers, both in the private and public sectors.  We asked Duncan to share with FR readers more about this bill, and what he has been doing to try and stop it….  Keep up the good work, Jerry! – Flash

By The Honorable Jerry Duncan, Fresno City Councilman

The assault on California small business by members of the liberal left in the California Assembly is alive and well. The latest incarnation of this is the introduction of AB 2716 by Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, D-San Francisco and is backed by organizations representing over 1200 Unions.

**There is more – click the link**

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