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Jon Fleischman

Don Perata: A Hypocrite AND a Horse’s Ass

The East Bay Express has done a number of stories exposing Don Perata’s personal use of campaign funds.  If you need a refresher, look no further than right here to get a reminder of how Don Perata outdoes even Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez when it comes to living the "high life" on the backs of one’s campaign donors (we won’t even get into the tactics allegedly used to "extract" money from those doing business before legislature).
Yesterday, the EBE’s Paul Gammon, on their blog, proclaimed Don Perata to be the "Hypocrite of the Year" for his moxie in attacking Senator Jeff Denham for allegedly "living large" of of campaign contributions.  As Gammon says in his post,

"…there is no one in state politics, not even Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, who can compete with The Don when it comes to living the high life off of his best donors. Perata spent more than $1 million of campaign cash on living large expenditures in the past decade, a fact for which he is now under investigation by the state Fair Political Practices Commission."

To be honest, while we agree with the EBE’s characterizations of Perata, we don’t think they are rhetorically strong enough.  We believe that if Don Perata deserves any award, it should be the Horse’s Ass Award, which we officially bestow on him right now.
It takes a real horse’s ass to put a decent and honorable man like Jeff Denham through this sham of a recall when, in fact, it is Perata himself that has been the embarrassment to the institution.
Fortunately, very soon, he will not be the Senate President any more.  And even more fortunately, soon after that, he will not be a State Senator any more.  This will give Perata to pursue some much needed remedial education.