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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Too Much Fun for a Weekend

McCain Sings Streisand A sure bet to start or end your Sunday right.  In case anyone forgot this gem — or never saw it before — Sen. John McCain’s appearance on Saturday Night Live in 2002 doing a reverse Barbara Streisand parody is a hilarious classic.  Make sure you watch ’til the end so you don’t miss all the McCain political "statements."  It was funny in ’02, now it’s even funnier.

POA Yanks Hartley Endorsement One week you’re the law and order candidate, the next week you don’t have a pot to…well, forget it.  If you missed the prior news of John Hartley’s alleged unique precinct walking methods, find it here.  The SD Police Officers Association now understandably reneges on its support for the former and wannabe-again member of the city council.  Voice of SD had the story first on Friday.

Aguirre Too Busy for Debate As the anonymous "Mr. Murphy" noted in a Red County SD post a couple of days ago, controversial City Attorney Mike Aguirre left a debate the other night before things even got rolling.  Here’s Pomerado Newspaper Group’s take on the evening, by Editor Steve Dreyer:

City Attorney Michael Aguirre, seeking re-election in the June primary, said he left the campaign’s first candidate forum before it started Thursday night because he was too busy to stay. 

"I thought it started at 7:30 p.m.," Aguirre said Friday, referring to a 45-minute forum that was advertised to begin at 7:45 and commenced about 10 minutes late. 

His arrival and subsequent departure before the forum caused a bit of a buzz among the 75 or so people attending the event, held at the Doubletree Golf Resort ballroom in Rancho Penasquitos. 

Aguirre said he has been working "24/7" on an appeal of a court ruling regarding the city’s pension fund and would likely continue to do so for another week. 

An empty chair remained on stage while Aguirre’s four challengers offered their opinions on what he’s done wrong and how they would run the city attorney’s office differently. 

Read it all here.

Issa Responds to 9-11 Flap Congressman Darrell Issa found himself in a little hot water after Tuesday comments that some, including the NY Daily News, construed as minimizing of the World Trade Center attacks.  Issa subsequently clarified his remarks with a statement and significant background information.  Setting the Record Straight, posted at Red County, is long but worth the read if one really wants to understand the entire issue and the Congressman’s position.

Any Bets on What the SD City Council Does with this One? In the wake of a split San Diego City Council passing a reso in support of the ACLU, some folks are rightfully looking for some equal time, or perhaps even a bone:

Just one week after the city council passed a resolution in honor of American Civil Liberties Union, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, in partnership with Reverend Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, have brought a new resolution before the San Diego City Council that would honor Christians and their contribution to America. In a vote of 5-2, the San Diego City Council decided to honor the ACLU which has cost the San Diego taxpayers $900,000 in a settlement made because of lawsuit brought against the city for allowing the Boy Scouts to operate facilities in Balboa Park.

Since the majority of the city council seems inclined to want to pass resolutions with certain social and political ideologies, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is asking if the two councilman who voted against it, Councilmen Tony Young and Brian Maienschein, would be willing to bring a resolution in favor of Christians before the city council.

By the way, Young is a Democrat and Maienschein is a Republican.  Uhhh, which means the two other GOP members of the council supported the ACLU resolution.

Citizens Being Honeyfuggled on Eminent Domain Measures? The San Diego Daily Transcript ran a piece last Wednesday on Props 98 and 99 by former SD Councilman Fred Schnaubelt, now president of Citizens for Private Property Rights.  In "Two eminent domain propositions — one of hope, one of betrayal," Fred uses a great word in the political sense…honeyfuggling:

Resorting to political dirty tricks, the League of Cities and California State Association of Counties have sponsored the Government’s Proposition 99 on the June ballot specifically to counteract the citizen’s Proposition 98, which halts eminent domain abuse. Our politicians want to neutralize Proposition 98 by "honeyfuggling" the voters into believing that "their" Prop. 99 won’t betray property owners once again.

If you want a better understanding of the term, read the entire article.  Better yet, read it anyway.  It’s posted as an attachment below.

Have a great week!


You can read all of Barry’s entries here.

One Response to “Sunday San Diego: Too Much Fun for a Weekend”

  1. Says:

    Thanks, a great way to laugh and get some good info at the same time. Great piece by Schnaubelt.