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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Carney: The Color Purple

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Color Purple

Are the Clintons feeling a little desperate? Bill flew into a tirade at last weekend’s California Democratic Party convention. He was there to schmooze local superdelegates on Hillary’s behalf when he encountered activist and Clinton-supporting superdelegate Rachel Binah, who had been a Bill Richardson supporter until the New Mexico governor dropped out of the race.

According to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle, Ms. Binah took the opportunity to criticize Clinton ally James Carville for describing Mr. Richardson as a "Judas" for his subsequent endorsement of Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton exploded in turn. "Five times to my face [Mr. Richardson] said that he would never do that [endorse Mr. Obama]," the ex-president sputtered, waving his famous finger. He went on to excoriate the press for its unfair treatment of his wife and, for good measure, to denounce the unfairness of the party caucuses that Mr. Obama has done so well in.

Mr. Clinton is not famous for self-control in the best of times, but he may well sense his wife’s chances fading away, partly because of the fatigue many party bigwigs feel with Mr. Clinton and his foibles.

— Brian M. Carney

2 Responses to “WSJ’s Carney: The Color Purple”

  1. Says:

    Hold up. Wait a minute. I think you’re confusing ‘desperation’ with frustration.

    Say what you will about Hillary’s ‘entitlement’ issue, but what are the alternatives again? McCain, who is disliked by his own party for one, and the other a political novice with wonderful platitudes and no real strategy.

    Sure, Hillary’s not doing herself any favors acting like a spoiled brat, but sometimes even a spoiled brat has a point.


  2. Says:

    Oh, the way John, you’re probably not aware of this but I defended you on the OJ when Dan C. attacked you on (The Liberal OC). I noticed we’re not on your blogroll, nor is my site, ;)
