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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: By Any Name, They Are A Front Group For The Trial Lawyers…

Veteran Capitol columnist Dan Walters was pretty accurate yesterday in the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert Blog (free registration required and encouraged) when he referred to the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) as, "…a Naderite, Santa Monica-based thorn in the side of California business for the past two decades…"

Apparently the group has decided to change its name to "Consumer Watchdog" — what a farce. 

The only thing that this group cares about is creating more and more ways and opportunities to file more and more lawsuits.  The FTCR is a vibrant and active front-group for the trial lawyer community.

While they wave a rhetorical banner of trying to "help consumers" — it’s just not true.  It hardly helps consumers to see all of the costs associated with virtually every aspect of their lives driven higher and higher with the tremendous costs associated with the litigious society that the trial lawyers foster.  But, who can blame the trial lawyers — it’s their livelihood, right?  Well, I can, and do!
Literally every time an effort is made at common sense reforms to reduce litigation and end frivolous lawsuits — who is it that steps up to the plate on behalf of the trial lawyers, waving the most egregious example of someone allegedly wronged in order to justify shared pain for every American?  You guessed it — FTCR.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: By Any Name, They Are A Front Group For The Trial Lawyers…”

  1. Says:

    Doctors have to carry a very high cost for their insurance.

    It would be nice to see more states with tort reform.