- The Riverside Press Enterprise has possibly the worst website of any major California daily (if you don’t believe me, check it out). But they do have some talented political writers, including FR friends Michelle DeArmond and Jim Miller. They along with some other reporters are doing a great new job with their paper’s entry into the blogosphere. Keep an eye on the PE’s Ballot Watch Blog.
- Over the weekend representatives from the California Republican Assembly units that are in the Fourth Congressional District gathered and endorsed Tom McClintock for Congress. While never to be taken for granted, the CRA is an important endorsement for McClintock. But it was no surprise as it is a two man race between McClintock and moderate GOPer Doug Ose.
- "Can we afford to pay more taxes? No. But do we have to pay more? Yes, and we will." — Bold words from Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata as reported by Lisa Vorderbrueggen in the Contra Costa Times. If Don Perata wants to pay more taxes, he is more than welcome to do so. But there is a large obstacle to Perata’s plans — Senate and Assembly Republicans. Their vote is needed to raise taxes and there is not one GOP vote to do so. Whoops! Sorry Senator Huf’nPuff!
- A hearty congratulations to Howard Epstein, the new Chairman of the San Francisco GOP. Epstein, a longtime Central Committee Member and GOP leader, ascended to his new position when the committee’s former Chairman, Christine Hughes, moved out of the area.
The Republican Primary for President is over — but whether you supported JOhn McCain or not, you still have a chance to take him on! McCain is encouraging people to "take him on" over the NCAA basketball finals. Fill out your brackets and compare them this! You can win the McCain Pin, the McCain Hat or the coveted McCain Fleece!
- Last weekend the American Association of Political Consultants had their annual confab at the Leow’s Resort in Santa Monica. I had a chance to participate as a speaker there, and network with all kinds of political consultants. FR friend Frank Schubert, who is on the AAPC’s Board of Directors, offers his take on the event.
- The $30B "Fed" Bailout of Bear-Steans on Wall Street is wrong. If economic conditions mean that a market "correction" is needed, then it should occur — but it is immoral for government to use confiscated tax dollars to aid specific companies. (James Taggert would be proud).
- And in unrelated news, parents Leticia and Billy Ray Cyrus have officially changed the name of their daughter, Destiny Hope, to Miley — doh! Big news for my Hannah Montana loving sister-in-law, no doubt!
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