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Jon Fleischman

Denham Recall Qualifies

Apparently (h/t to the SacBee) the recall of Republican State Senator Jeff Denham has qualified, and the Governor must now call a special election in the Central Valley State Senate District for 60 – 80 days from now (one would presume that he will consolidate this matter with the June primary, which falls within that window).

FR readers will "recall" that this is a partisan game by Senate President Don Perata who has sour grapes because Senator Denham had the nerve to oppose a budget plan that, frankly… sucked.  In retrospect, every State Legislator who voted for that budget last year has to be embarrassed — it committed California to another year of massive overspending that has now come home to roost, with California looking at a budget deficit that is quickly approaching $20 billion!

Well, "game on" to Perata and his flying monkeys as they try to make the case to voters in this Senate seat that their prescient Senator, who did the right thing, should be recalled.