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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrat play sheet only has two songs — “Spend More” and “Tax More”

Sacramento Democrats are a consistent bunch.  Their play sheet only has two songs — "Spend More" and "Tax More."  That it.  And they keep playing their two-song greatest hits album over and over again.

Last week we had Democrat Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata pledging a long summer budget stalemate until Republicans agree to $5 BILLION in new taxes.
Now, on the Assembly side, Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez is calling for a massive 6% increase on tax on oil in California — as if the prices of gasoline in America aren’t high enough?  Nunez plan will only serve to increase reliance on foreign oil, as he seeks to make it more expensive to pump oil out of the ground here in the Golden State.
Well, there is a silver lining to every cloud, they say.  And in this case, it is simply this — Sacramento Democrats are setting up a great debate for the Spring, presenting the stark contrast between Republicans and Democrats.  You see, while the Democrats want to increase taxes on working Californians (who do you think will get hit the hardest if gas prices increase?), Republicans have vowed to block any such tax increase from even reaching the Governor’s desk.
Speaker Nunez fails to talk about the massive growth in state government spending under his reign, as he editorializes in the Sacramento Bee about how we need the $1.2 billion in tax revenue from his proposed oil tax hike scheme in order to avoid teacher lay-offs.
Instead of trying to penalize California taxpayers for the over-spending which will be the legacy of the Nunez Speakership, Democrats should embrace Governor Schwarzenegger’s call for spending reductions. 
The reality of our state’s massive $15 billon (at least) structural budget shortfall is a tale of massive overspending.  That said, it will probably be a long summer, indeed, as the liberal ideologues that dominate Sacramento are seemingly incapable of tightening the belt of state budget spending by even a few notches.
The contrast is clear — Democrats want to raise taxes and Republicans want to lower spending.
The question is this — Is there room in the Democrat juke-box for a new song? —  "We Spent Way Too Much…"

6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Democrat play sheet only has two songs — “Spend More” and “Tax More””

  1. Says:

    Hate to tell ya folks! You voted for liberals and moderate republicans….see what ya got.

    There are over 240,000 California government workers, probably the largest employer total payroll-wise in America…this juggernaught has consumed you…so BOW on you knee and submit to taxes as proper tribute for your aquiesence.

    The only way out…go on offense Sheep….RECALL….ala Attila the Hun/General Patton.

  2. Says:

    Jon: I truly wonder if the average Californian worker understand what the Democrats do on their tax proposals.

    I figure, they may not have time to read over what is going on, because they are too busy working hard to pay for the Democrats tax increases.

    There must be way where we can communicate what you just pointed out to the ordinary Democrats, which I think they may be shock to learn how ignorant Fabian Nunez and how small his incredible shrinking Fantasyland is paid for courtesy of the Taxpayers.

  3. Says:

    If you look at the latest round of polls, Californians support tax increases for education and don’t support pink-slipping teachers. Actually, Allen, it’s a pretty easy sell. Might be a bit harder for the Republican caucus to look soccer moms in the eyes and tell them that support slashing education funding. That is, if they can get their heads out of the sand long enough to do that.

  4. Says:

    Oh…..We are scared…shaking with cold sweats……..Fabian Nunez’s office has spoken to us….

    The arrogant pinheads in Sacramento must be RECALLED… .

    There is a ground swell out there of very upset taxpayers who will RECALL anything that moves, breathes, suggests, dithers or mentions the word TAXES….


  5. Says:

    Steven: Easy Sell? Oh please. I led a campaign in Diamond Bar to even defeat a “Perpetual” Library Tax (Measure L – November 2006) on property owners. People loathe taxes without results and accountability.

    The Nunez plan is pure extortion: Tax oil companies to bail out draining state funds by shoring up political support to satisfy the Education lobby.

    The only problem with the Nunez plan is as what Former Senator Bob Dole would say, “Don’t tax me, Don’t tax you, Tax the man behind the tree”, then no one will bellyache the oil tax.

    Actually, the Assembly Republican Caucus can tell Soccer Moms and every California constituency that the price will go up at the pump due no thanks to the Oil Tax proposal by Lameduck Assembly Speaker Nunez.

    Be honest with the people in California, we are not dumb as you think we are.

  6. Says:

    Hey Steve, why don’t we make the tax increase voluntary and all of those who want new taxes can check a box and send in the money. That will give you a true result as to who really wants new taxes. The schools are doing a great job at scaring the mommies. After I explained to my wife that the various tax increases being proposed would cost us between $900 and $3600 a year she was much more upset at the taxes then cuts at schools.