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Barry Jantz

52nd Congressional “Debate” – A Mild Beginning

The great thing about a Congressional District opening up only once in 28 years is that when the County GOP holds a candidate debate in East County, several people show up that few times in their lives have ever stepped foot east of I-15.  Well, okay, unless they were first on a plane leaving San Diego County.
Last night, 257 folks hit El Cajon’s Crystal Ballroom for the Republican Party of San Diego’s monthly meeting.  Tony Krvaric and Co. had the vision to move the proceedings to East County for perhaps the first and last time until Congressman Duncan Hunter’s current 52nd District seat is vacated by the next incumbent.  Whether that will be another quarter of a century or more remains to be seen, but Hunter’s son Duncan D. Hunter, Santee Councilman Brian Jones and County Board of Ed President Bob Watkins are all hoping to at get at least a first term under their respective belts.
After State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring effectively rah-rahed the crowd, and Bob Ilko gave a heartfelt unity speech about his decision to not seek San Diego’s 5th District city council seat (in deference to Carl DeMaio), the quasi-debate began.
Longtime radio personality and host Mark Larson, once considering a shot at the seat himself, emceed the forum, while the Lincoln Club’s T.J. Zane, KUSI-TV reporter John Soderman and Navajo Canyon Republican Women Club President Margie Siekierka read a series of questions, some submitted in writing from the audience. 
It can’t quite be said that sparks flew, but with the field only finalized in the last couple of weeks and a long three months to go, the GOP hopefuls are still pretty much feeling each other out.  No one wants to be the first to get nasty, and the three were gentlemanly to the point of the evening being largely uneventful.
All three come across as conservative as is the district, stressing faith, family, freedom, and firepower…in the national security sense, if not the 2nd Amendment sense (although I believe they each expressed support for that as well a few weeks ago at a California Republican Assembly forum).
The differences were subtle, to the point of Hunter joking during his rebuttal time on a question, "It’s hard to rebut something that we all agree on."  One watcher said, "All of them are saying the same thing, but in a different way."
In response to a question about civilian airport use of Marine Corps Air Station at Miramar, Hunter took a mild poke at Watkins’ vote as a member of the Regional Airport Authority to place the question on the ballot a couple of years ago.  Watkins, however, said the issue was moot, as the Feds have essentially said no to other than military use.
Jones challenged the others to sign a "no earmarks pledge" put out by FreedomWorks, with Watkins saying he would review it, and Hunter citing his military experience to indicate that an across the board anti-earmarks statement would potentially cripple the ability to develop needed weaponry.  After the event, Hunter told me that he had signed a Citizens Against Government Waste* earmarks pledge, which still protects congressional spending for national security-related purposes.
One interesting question was, essentially, "Should Congress withhold money from states for ignoring the rights of parents?," referencing a recent court decision against home-schooling.  Hunter said yes, absolutely, and Watkins said no, Congress should not get involved in a state decision.  Jones pressed the issue further, however, saying, "Congress should use its judicial oversight to remove judges that continue to overturn the will of the people."
If Hunter brings the big name to the fray and Watkins the big San Diego business support and potential personal funds, perhaps Jones is the little engine that could, idealistic and passionate.  His success will largely be driven by his ability to keep up with the others in the fundraising arena.
All of the candidates did a good job, decrying a Republican leadership that has ignored real GOP values and calling on government to keep its nose out of our wallets.  I, however, would like to see each of them — in the weeks ahead — stake out their actual significant differences, if there are any.  I’m looking for some fun!
County GOP chairman Krvaric summed it up: "Three great candidates, and we’d be happy to have any one of them go up against the sacrificial lamb selected by the Democrats."

*6:07 PM – Due to a miscommunication, I originally reported this as "Club for Growth," which does not have an earmarks pledge.  Your humble servant regrets the error.  Thank goodness this medium is not newsprint, but electrons.