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Jon Fleischman

Tales of the Unbelievable: IRS to spend $42 mil to tell Americans their rebate is in the mail…

I’ve already editorialized plenty on the blog site about how lame and ill-advised I think the President’s "Economic Stimulus" package was — the idea that we are shipping out well over a hundred billion dollars in one-time mini-checks to Americans (whether they pay taxes or not — can you say "welfare") and that this is going to somehow "meaningfully stimulate" the economy is absurd.

That said, you’ve LOVE this.  Now its been reported that the Internal Revenue Service is spending a whopping $48.1 million bucks to send a "your check is on the way" mailing to 130 million American households.

Earth to President Bush, why don’t you pick up the phone and call the I.R.S.?  Instead of sending out a "your check is coming" mailing, why don’t you just include a "here is your stupid check" letter IN with the checks?

It does boggle the mind how a REPUBLICAN President, with many votes from REPUBLICAN members of Congress, can support a wealth redistribution scheme that sends BILLIONS of dollars in "rebates" to Americans who MILLIONS of Americans who do NOT pay taxes, while at the same time sends NOTHING to MILLIONS of Americans who pay the most.  For shame.

One Response to “Tales of the Unbelievable: IRS to spend $42 mil to tell Americans their rebate is in the mail…”

  1. Says:

    It’s not like we didn’t already know that Bush was no fiscal conservative.