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Tab Berg

Nasty start to Sac Mayor’s race…

Sacramento’s usually tame political terrain is starting to bump

Incumbent Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo – a listless, soporific official, who’s done little despite numerous opportunities to lead – is being challenged by former NBA star Kevin Johnson

I’m usually not a fan a celebrity candidates, often little more than empty suits in search of the limelight who end up rudderless bureau-officials understanding the process, but not the purpose, of government. 

That’s not the case with Johnson: after his basketball career, he returned to Sacramento, using his celebrity and bank account to successfully tackle big challenges – including revitalizing Oak Park and the saving the former Sacramento High School by creating St. Hope academy.  In short, Johnson stood up and solved problems that city and school officials couldn’t.  To be sure, he’s endured some setbacks, but anyone who takes risks ought to get a few bruises along the way.

Fargo, in contrast, is so risk-adverse that she’s failed every leadership challenge faced by the City: from the Kings Arena deal  and Old Sacramento, to the Parkway and revitalizing downtown; her lack of leadership has bred inactivity and half-hearted efforts.  Sacramento’s greatest opportunity – and potential failure – is the redevelopment of the Railyards (the largest urban infill project in the nation) is at hand — so Sacramento’s business and civic leaders had better engage in this one.

Even Demo stalwart Steve Maviglio (former Speaker Fabian’s spin guy and Flashreport reader) said “Fargo’s ho-hum leadership has made Sacramento "the little city that couldn’t.”  I agree!

It remains to be seen if Johnson can put together the kind of campaign needed to beat Fargo…and so far his team has been  “uninspired” (here is where I part ways with Maviglio’s read).  Johnson’s team has failed to react to Fargo’s amateurish mudslinging, lacks a coherent strategy, and has yet to share Kevin’s vision for the city.

A good start would be for some of the city’s more visionary leaders – like City Councilman Rob Fong; Rivercats founders Warren Smith and Art Savage; DA Jan Scully; downtown developer David Taylor; Steve Lebastchi and David Miry who built the ILofts; PRIDE CEO & motivator Michael Ziegler;  Scott Syphax leader of the visionary Capitol Station 65 project; Robbie Waters, the lone GOP voice on the Sac City Council; Sac County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan; and others – to get Johnson in a room and help him iron out a real vision for Sacramento and put together an effective campaign.

Johnson may not have political experience, but he’s shown that he can inspire people and create a vision – both qualities Fargo lacks.  That alone could be a giant leap forward for Sacramento.