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Jim Battin

Mary Battin – Woman of the Year

Every year my staff and I sit down and decide who to select for the legislature’s "37th Senate District Woman of the Year".  It’s normally quite a process.

This year my staff was adamant.  They all demanded I select my wife Mary.

Now knowing Mary, I knew she would never allow me to choose her – so I told my staff if they could talk her into it, then I’d do it.  They called her and ganged up on her.  They wouldn’t take "no" for an answer (which is what she said at first).

I thank my wonderful staff for persuading my reluctant wife. 

She really does deserve it.

Battin Staff Lobbies for Mary


SACRAMENTO – Today, Senator Jim Battin (R – La Quinta) announced that he has chosen his wife, Mary Battin, as the 37th Senate District’s Woman of the Year for 2008.  As his final selection for Woman of the Year before leaving office at the end of 2008, Battin’s choice was obvious – especially to his staff, who insisted on the choice.

“My staff threatened to quit if I didn’t choose Mary,” joked Battin.  “But they also had to work to convince her to accept.”

The Senator is quick to point out that his time in Sacramento would not have been possible without Mary’s sacrifice and support.  

“My job means being in Sacramento at least four days a week for eight months out of the year; but believe me, I’ve always known she had the tougher job,” said Battin.

Fulfilling every role, from consummate mother to committed community member, Mary Battin has made a career out of taking care of her children, her husband, and her community.  Mary represents the very spirit of volunteerism – acting as a leader for numerous charitable and educational endeavors, and by enabling her husband to serve California for 14 years.  

Mary’s volunteer efforts include: local PTO Board member and Vice President, Board Member for Girl Scouts of America, founding President of Desert Cities Chapter for the National Charity League, wish granter with the Make a Wish Foundation and Chairperson for DSUSD’s Measure K campaign.  In recognition of her tireless commitment to our community, Truman Elementary School created the “Mary Battin Volunteer Service Award” in her honor. 

Since 1987 the California State Legislature has recognized the outstanding contributions of remarkable women by having a “Woman of the Year” ceremony in Sacramento.  The ceremony this year is scheduled for Monday, March 10th and will be held in the Senate Chambers, followed by a breakfast reception at the State Capitol.

Battin’s past honorees include KMIR 6 news anchor Karen Devine, child  and community services advocate Jan Hawkins, renowned Philanthropist and Business women Edra Blickseth and Jackie Lee Houston, Susan Hawk of Imperial County, longtime Indio activist Cherry Ishimatsu, Housing and Public Safety activist and current Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, Highway 86 activist and former Coachella Valley School Board Member Marge Freeman, Lynn Moriarty of Shelter From the Storm, Agricultural Consultant Ellen Sanders Way of La Quinta, Ana Rascon of La Prensa Hispana Newspaper, the Honorable Barbara Gonzales Lyons, Vice Chair, of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and Barbara Sinatra for her ongoing commitment to children with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center.
Mary Battin
  • PTO Board Member, Vice President, 6 years
  • Girl Scout Leader
  • San Gorgonio Girl Scouts of America Council, Board Member
  • President of the La Quinta Lacrosse Club
  • Sunday school teacher and VBS counselor
  • Junior Achievement Coordinator
  • Truman Elementary school – The Mary Battin Volunteer Service Award
  • National Charity League, Founding Member and Founding President of the Desert Cities Chapter (2 years on board and current member)
  • Community Representative to the United Way of the Desert for city of La Quinta
  • Wish Granter with the Make a Wish Foundation
  • Strategic Plan committee for the DSUSD
  • Chairperson for Measure K

“As a working mother, I have for many years aspired to be Mary Battin.  Her family has been her career, and she has done an impeccable job of balancing family, community and self.  She is the bedrock that enables her entire family’s success.  When I grow up, I want to be Mary.”  
— Kim Glassman, Chief of Staff to Senator Battin.

“Ms. Mary is great!  She always works hard for the community and definitely brings out the best in Jim.”  
— Julie Nystrom, long-time Battin staff member.

“Mary Battin’s dedication to family, education and community has meant so much to kids throughout our valley.  I have known the Battins for many years and I have always admired how Mary combines quiet strength and grace.  She is truly an amazing woman.”  
— Sherri VanDorn, District Director to Senator Battin.  

“Mary has always exemplified how an effective, organized woman positively impacts the lives of her children and her husband.  Her steadfast support to her husband and her loving and caring involvement in her children’s education has consistently stood out as an example of true family devotion.  Since the day I first met her, I have admired her.”  
— Diana Garcia, former Battin staff member.

“This recognition of Mary Battin is long overdue.  I am ecstatic that her dedication and commitment to community and family is being spotlighted by this recognition.  Congratulations Mary!”  
— Frank DeLima, former District Director to Senator Battin. 

“Mary exemplifies everything that is great about women.  She’s a wonderful mother who is generous with her time and has been willing to share her husband with our community.  She is lovely inside and out.” 
— Ellen Way, former Battin staff member and previous recipient of the 37th Senate District Woman of the Year award.

“When you work in the Battin office it’s like working with family.  If you have a problem it’s everyone’s problem.  If you need help, there’s never a shortage of support.  That atmosphere is a reflection of Mary Battin’s belief and commitment to family.  Congratulations Mary!  You deserve this special recognition.” 
—  Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, who is also a former Battin staff member and previous recipient of the 37th Senate District Woman of the Year award.


Thank you for letting me be a little self-indulgent and brag about my wife (benefits of being a FR blogger I suppose).

I’m a very lucky man.