I spent most of yesterday out in Riverside County. It was quite the day, and evening, and quite Republican!
Mid-day, I was the lunchtime speaker for the monthly meeting of the Lincoln Club of Palm Springs. This is a great organization headed up by Coachella uber-activist Kim Glassman. She and her crew of volunteer leaders have put together a vibrant and effective Lincoln Club that is very involved in helping to elect Republicans at every level in their area. This was my second time at one of their meetings, and I really enjoyed myself. I spoke about how the internet is really changing the way politics works, and was able to share some great stories about the impact of this website for examples!
On hand at the event were State Senator Jim Battin (FR’s 2007 Senator of the Year – and writer for this website), Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, FR friend Marc Troast representing Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, Riverside County GOP Chairman Bob Richmond (along with County Party Executive Director Sandy Butler) and former Assemblyman Russ Bogh. Russ, whom I have known for many, many years is running for State Senate as Jim Battin is facing term limits at the end of this year. Battin has endorsed Bogh for the seat (the two are pictured).. Bogh served six years in the Assembly, serving in his final term as Chairman of the Assembly Republican Caucus. Bogh does not have a "free ride" though – hardly. More about his opponent appears below.
It was great to see longtime local activists Jim and Nancy Stuart there. Jim was kind enough to play "PR flack" for me — and actually set me up to speak on two Coachella Valley radio stations, which was a lot of fun. He and Riverside GOP Chairman Bob Richmond came with me to a live broadcast of the Gary Stone show at KNEWS Radio. That was a lot of fun!
On my way home from the desert, I was invited by State Assemblyman John Benoit to stop by a fundraiser that he was holding at a home (a large home) in Riverside. Since his "special guest" was Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, how could I say no? (This is a good time for me to make it very clear that as an officer of the State GOP, I do NOT endorse candidates in contested GOP primaries. That said, I try to make it to all of the events of GOP candidates who invite me, schedule permitting).
Benoit is locked in what will be a fierce GOP primary for the State Senate with Bogh (whom I mentioned above), and as I have spoken with my others who observe California politics closely, we all agree that this particular primary will be bruising (and for we spectators, quite entertaining). While I haven’t know Benoit as long as I have known Bogh, he’s a good guy whom I like quite a bit. He is the senior Assembly Republican on the influential Rules Committee. His Chief of Staff, Barry Nestande, is a correspondent for this website.
There were a number of "VIPs" at the evening event including a couple of members of the Riverside City Council, and Assembly candidate Brian Nestande (Barry’s brother) who is running for Benoit’s Assembly seat (are you taking notes?).
Below is a photo of me (in the middle) flanked by Assemblyman Benoit on my right and Assemblyman Villines to my left.
It was great to spend some time with Villines. Those who were in attendance were treated to a great story from Villines about the FlashReport (but we’ll leave it something special for only those who were there).
All in all, it was a great trip out to the Inland Empire. There is a lot of energy and vitality out there — and unlike some, I LOVE IT when there are vibrant primaries taking place in our party. Invariably the ultimate winner of the contest is more in touch with their district that they otherwise would have been, and really values the office more than someone who "walks in" to a seat. I’m not sure that Russ and John agree with my assessment – I’m sure each would prefer not to have an opponent! But, as they say, "if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger."
We’ll see about that…

March 8th, 2008 at 12:00 am
Don’t you just love leaders of the California Republican party….out and about having an OLD FASHIONED and MONTE CRISTO’s and CURLY FRIES.
The California Republican party should be out in the trenches with average Californians beating the drum to stop increases in taxes, call for cuts in State government employment of over 240,000 bloated employees and recalling all who expouse TAXES or INVESTMENTS in government, education, welfare, security or union contracts….
Oh no! It is much much safer and fun having the usual California Republican mixers, country club clatches while the rest of us eat CAKE!