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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Democratic Party’s Racial Divide

The Los Angeles Times has documented with Pulitzer quality reporting, the racial gang wars in the L.A. basin. The largest and oldest Latino gang,  the Mexican Mafia, has ordered ethnic cleansing of formerly all-black neighborhoods. This has led to an increase in black vs Latino violence.

Close to my home, the Gateway Harbor area, several blacks have been murdered by Latino gangs in this expressed racial hate crime wave. A six year old black boy was shot in the head and is fighting for his life at Harbor UCLA Medical center — two Latino gang members were arrested for the "random" shooting. Hate crime charges may be filed.

These hate crimes help explain the growing division in the national Democrat Party.  The Democrats since Tammany Hall have always embraced "identity politics".  That is, voting for a person because of his skin color and/or  his ethnicity. This creates a never ending American balkanization which tears as the fabric of American unity. 

So, it should not surprise to Mr. Obama that Latinos were the primary reason for his loss in Texas. Most reports show that Latinos voted for Clinton by a 2/3 ratio. The same ratio was true in California’s primary. Sadly, some reporters pondered why many Latinos reflexively vote against a black person. At the same time, Obama will win Mississippi next week, because more than half the democrats are black. Obama is getting between 83 to 87% of the "black" vote. 

This racial polarization is not good for American nor is it good for the Democrats. 

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Democratic Party’s Racial Divide”

  1. Says:

    I’m skeptical of a racial divide bringing down either candidate too much. The Dems have too much of a stranglehold over either of these voting blocks.

    Instead of hoping for some group staying home, we should be trying to get them to come out to vote FOR GOPers.

  2. Says:

    You didn’t add my favorite solution to the Balkanization of America by race in your article…

    You should have added that the best solution to uniting the people of different backgrounds in this country is not the crap affirmative action plans that the Democrats have set up for us, but for individual people to marry someone of a different race and produce beautiful multi-ethnic children like you have done (and my parents have done) so that in the future we can unshackle the need divide our
    country by a characteristic as stupid as race.