Longtime California GOP leader Steve Frank publishes his winners and losers of the CRP Convention. His "big loser" is former State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim.

Longtime California GOP leader Steve Frank publishes his winners and losers of the CRP Convention. His "big loser" is former State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim.
February 28th, 2008 at 12:00 am
Here’s another “loser” for the CRP Convention: the Rules Committee. For the second convention in a row, it turned down a by-law amendment to require the CRP as an employer to enroll in the free federal online E-Verify program to check on the eligibility of employees to work in this country. This would be a key sign that the Republican Party respects the rule of law regarding illegal aliens.
On the convention floor on Sunday, the Rules Committee vigorously fought off a challenge to vote on the by-law amendment. The voice vote showed what I thought was a majority, but did not meet the two-thirds requirement.
The next convention is in September. Let’s hope the Rule Committee does not become a three-strike offender.
February 28th, 2008 at 12:00 am
The biggest loser is the CRP and our present and future Republican candidates. Why? Because the CRP is now so far right as to no longer be on planet Earth. But just wait until 2011. 2011 is when a Democrat governor and a 2/3 or more Democrat legislature hires Michael Berman to draw the legislative districts. Michael will draw districts that pit two Republicans against each other, that make sure the Republican districts (including Congressional districts) are firmly Democrat. Good work far right wing-nut Republicans. You have won a Pyrrhic victory – and won it big.
February 28th, 2008 at 12:00 am
Yep, Bob, I agree– the OC “pro-life”, “pro-family” types have rendered Rs all but irrlevant in CA.
We’ll of course have a few safe seats as affirmative action for some aging Republicans out in the sticks. We may be able to get a few things by stopping the budget, and that’s it. There will be few if any Rs ever in statewide seats (except maybe for a rare down-ticket candidate, and for Arnie).
The R party is selling dog food the doggies won’t eat. CA folks hate the dog food they’re willing to pay more (higher taxes from D’s) to stay away from it.
Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
February 29th, 2008 at 12:00 am
We are suffering the same fate here in Ventura County. And we having the loss in Republican registration to prove it. Steven Frank is from Simi Valley – which is in Ventura County. Figures.