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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Analysis: The RNC sucks a lot of cash out of CA, and returns VERY little…

When asked why he robbed banks, the infamous “Slick Willie” Sutton replied, “"because that’s where the money is.”  Here in California , the Republican National Committee has put Sutton’s law into full effect.  It is clear, based on our analysis, that over the past decade the RNC has engaged in Highway Robbery of the Pacific Coast . 

It’s no secret that political candidates and parties routinely rob the Golden State ’s vast resources for political contributions. California acts as an ATM machine where money is taken from here to use elsewhere — campaigns come to California to raise money, but then spend Golden State dollars in other states.

However, the FlashReport’s in-depth analysis of FEC campaign reports reveals a perpetual plundering of California Republicans’ resources for national causes. In 2006, California Republicans returned less than 2¢ for every dollar sent to the Republican National Committee – and that is very unfortunate, and over a period of time, has had a devistating effect here..

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: FR Analysis: The RNC sucks a lot of cash out of CA, and returns VERY little…”

  1. Says:

    When I was Chairman, I immediately recognized that California must have strong advocacy at the National party. We’re competing against 49 other states, and if we have a weak voice, then we will lose out.

    That’s why I’m running for National Committeeman. We must regain our status with the national committee and ensure that California is no longer ignored.

    Right now, we have no clout with the national committee, and that’s why we rank among dead last in funding support.

  2. Says:

    I would hope those at the national level designate money to states they can win and where the contests are the most competitive not on the basis of where the most cash is raised. And it seems dubious to me that we have little clout on the RNC since our current committeeman is an officer of the RNC – Tim Morgan, treasurer.
    A lot needs to be done to improve our state’s ability to elect Republican Senators as well as turn out a plethora of votes in the Presidential contest. The party went into debt for good reasons. We should correct those in house problems first and foremost.

  3. Says:

    Kathie, I think that there is always more we can do here at home. But the reality is that significant resources are exported elsewhere, some of which should be invested in the long-term viability of Republicans here. That means investing in voter registration, branding, candidate recruitment and more.

    I understand your comment about investing in states where you can win. But there is also something to be said for looking beyond one election cycle, and working to bring California into play in the future.

    As for Tim, a longtime friend (I ran his first two campaigns for National Committeeman – though I have not endorsed in the current contest), I have invited him to weigh in and share his thoughts on this (we’ve discussed it privately).

  4. Says:

    Stop Whining.

    The California Republican Party is incompetent at best laced with career hanger-ons, sort of like government workers: unaccountable, no ideas, marginal results, tired, beat and over paid, no guts.

    You should analyze why the independants are rising in numbers in California.

    You should run candidates with convictions, clarity with no ties to your fancy “moderate laced” country clubs…

    You need a fire and brimstone populist to clean out Sacramento and set the stage for a Republican revolution espousing conservative fiscal policies.

    The state will face deficit after deficit and end up a failed welfare state…oops! it is well on its way!

  5. Says:

    I can’t begin to imagine anything more frustrating for those of us struggling in a Democrat dominated state than to have OUR dollars spent in other states.

    Certainly heads have to be knocked around at the RNC level to let ’em know we want treatment on parity with what California provides, but surely donors must be aware that their dollars will be sent elsewhere. We’ve got to convince them of the worth of keeping funds here to wage battle in legislative seats.

    Even more, we need to aggressively fund registration AND keep trying to get some sort of redistricting reform passed. Lest we forget that the next round of fixing is only 2-3 years away from us.

  6. Says:

    One way to knock around heads at RNC is for those of us in contact with the volunteers,and people who donate to RNC, is to simply tell them NOT TO DONATE any longer.

    Instead they could be directed to donate to the CRP, County Central Committee, to local candidates and/or Republican Central Committes.

    There is plenty of information in John’s column that can be used to convince the “little people” that their dollars are not being properly used.

    Some years back there WAS a policy that if RNC, or any candidate came into California to raise funds, the profits from such event were split between CRP and the County Central Committee.

    Let’s go for this again.

    Seems to me this could be negotiated once again. The other solution to this is to simply boycot attending these events.

    Oh silly me….it’s so nice to be “seen” and noticed at the events.