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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Steelwatch 3 – Bordering on the Ridiculous

[Update:  How is this for bizarre?  Given Mike Der Manouel’s post below, and the "Steel Watch 3" anonymous e-mail he has reprinted…  I just got an email from the Steel campaign, with a cascade of Congressional endorsements… among them… JERRY LEWIS.  You seriously can’t make this stuff up – Flash]

I have not endorsed either Tim Morgan or Shawn Steel in the race for California National Committeeman for the Republican National Committee, but whoever is putting out Steelwatch is actually hurting the Morgan Campaign.  Here is the latest Steelwatch":


Shawn Steel wants to be California’s Republican National Committeeman.

But there’s one problem (ok – there’s more than one problem – but we’re only going to talk about one here).

Shawn Steel likes to shoot more at Republicans than he does at Democrats.

Case in point: Democrats control the U.S. Senate; the U.S. House; the California State Senate; the California State Assembly; and every constitutional office except the Governor’s office.

Despite this wealth of Democrat targets, who did Shawn recently attack?

Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis.

In a November 12, 2006 open letter released to the public and the press, Shawn Steel, candidate for Republican National Committeeman, calls on a sitting Republican U.S. Congressman from California TO RESIGN.

In his letter, Shawn says to Congressman Lewis, "your career, as a long-term big government, anti-growth Republican, is an outdated and clearly dangerous strategy."

Does anyone  honestly believe that publicly attacking Republican elected officials is going to make you an effective and credible voice for California Republicans at the Republican National Committee?

Shawn Steel has a right to his opinion, and to express it. But does anyone actually believe that by his personally and publicly attacking a Republican member of Congress from California this will HELP California Republicans get more support from the RNC?

Shawn loves being a political big-game hunter. Our problem is the big-game hunter can’t shoot straight. Frankly, we don’t care if Shawn shoots himself in the foot…. again, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of California Republicans. 
Note: This email is sent anonymously as a tribute to the many emails and "Parsky Watches" that Shawn sent as Party Chairman and member of the CRP’s Board of Directors. And….in honor of Shawn’s excellent big-game hunting skills, this email is also being sent to the press.

Not only are Steel’s attacks on Lewis justified, but they are essential to understanding why there is a race for Committeeman in the first place.  Everyday the Republican National Committee defends the indefensible.  This is disgusting, and a significant reason why RNC telemarketers are hung up on regularly while prospecting for new donors.

Our Committeeman needs to speak the truth about why Republicans are losing – and Jerry Lewis’ behavior as an appropriator is a truthful symbol as to why the conservative base is disgusted with the Party.

Shawn Steel was right about Jerry Lewis – and needs to say so as National Committeeman.  The Party is circling the drain – because we have lost the courage to act on our long held principles, and the heart to be critical of Republicans who have led the way in behaving like the Democrats that yes – we used to criticize for the same behavior we are now defending.

Steelwatch needs to go back to the drawing board.

[Publisher’s Note:  Check out this piece on Jerry Lewis that appeared in the Wall Street Journal – Flash]

3 Responses to “Steelwatch 3 – Bordering on the Ridiculous”

  1. Says:

    When Republicans like Jerry Lewis have their heads up their rears (and this is often the case), they deserve to be shot at.

    Keep fighting Shawn! And Tim… Keep doing what you’re doing. That’s great. Really.

  2. Says:

    The RNC needs more people then just Steele who is willing to call fellow Republicans on how they hurt the Republican party.

    It’s a start at least.

  3. Says:

    Let me see if I have this straight, Tim Morgan is defending the actions of Congressman Jerry Lewis? I don’t care who you are, but that’s funny.

    Shawn going after Jerry Lewis is why he will be a great addition at the RNC.