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Congressman John Campbell

Semper Fi

You might have heard about Berkeley’s City Council’s recent vote to tell the Marines to close their recruiting station in the city. With this vote, they told the Marines that their recruiting office is not welcome in their city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as an uninvited and unwelcome intruders.

In response to this, I have introduced the “Semper Fi Act” in the House of Representatives.  This act rescinds all of the funding contained in the FY 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Act for the City of Berkeley, CA and transfers those funds to the Marines for recruiting

During the meeting, the City Council also voted to give protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week. According to the City Council agenda, they "Encourage all people to avoid cooperation with the Marine Corps recruiting station, and applaud residents and organizations such as Code Pink, that may volunteer to impede, passively or actively, by nonviolent means, the work of any military recruiting office located in the City of Berkeley."

The Marine Corps has been protecting Americans and our freedoms for 233 years.  Americans understand and appreciate that. You don’t have to join the Marine Corps, or even like it, but you should at the very least let the Marines do their job and respect them for it.

The action by the Berkeley City Council indicates that they have a disdain for and do not appreciate Marines for what they do and have done for this country, our democracy, and our freedoms.  If they have so little respect and understanding of that, there is no reason for the rest of us, outside the city of Berkeley, to subsidize their actions with our taxpayer funds.

The earmarks that the City of Berkeley stands to lose include one that provides $243,000 in taxpayer dollars for the organization Chez Panisse to create gourmet organic school lunches in the Berkeley School District.  Chez Panisse is dedicated to “environmental harmony”. 

Another earmark would spend $975,000 in taxpayer dollars for the University of California in Berkeley Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service, to create a new endowment and cataloging the papers of Congressman Robert Matsui.  UC Berkeley currently already has a $3.5 billion endowment.

Will the majority Democrats support this bill and thereby "support our troops" as they say they do? Or will they support the Berkeley City Council, Code Pink, and their radical anti-military agenda?

We’ll see.

2 Responses to “Semper Fi”

  1. Says:

    If you really want to get the City and UC systems hair on fire, propose a bill to move the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab from UC Berkeley to another university. Check the E&W approps bill, becuase they get close to $1 billion/year for research. While the research a good, sometimes cutting edge, maybe national funds for the scientific advancement of America go to a City that supports American principals.

  2. Says:

    Sen. Campbell, I fully support your efforts to cancel the earmarked funds for Berkeley. The actions of the City Council are reprehensible. It is also grossly disrespectful of the US Marines whose members have given their lives so that the members of the Berkeley City Council can exercise their free speech, odious as it may be.