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James V. Lacy

Jeff Miller Says It Loud — Extend the 241!

For nearly a decade, Corona Mayor Jeff Miller has been working to build out the 91 freeway.  He has been successful by targeting projects that use existing tax dollars, that fit on the existing pavement, and can be done with a minimum of permitting, regulatory backlog, etc.

Sounds like a good idea right?

Man is it ever. 

These projects have added lanes now on both sides of the freeway cutting some commute times by half without disturbing any of the birds, pocket mice, and fairy shrimp that turn out herds of environmentalists to stall and stop other transportation projects all over California.

Now to the really interesting part. 

Jeff not only serves as an elected official in Riverside County – he is a Chairman of the 91 Toll Road Advisory Committee for the ORANGE County Transportation Authority.

Last year he testified for ORANGE County in their pursuit of money from the flawed transportation bonds.  And you know what happened?  His testimony, bringing together Riverside and Orange County talked the state into spending another $20 million or so in ORANGE County.

Today, Jeff joined a legion of ORANGE County electeds in backing the extension of the 241.  But unique to his backing the road is exactly what ORANGE County has lacked – a local elected official who has expanded roads with EXISTING tax dollars without environmental impact.

Deeds, not just words, is what built our Party and that is what Jeff Miller is all about.

And I agree with Jeff –Extend the 241!

One Response to “Jeff Miller Says It Loud — Extend the 241!”

  1. Says:

    Too bad the Coastal Commission disagreed with you by an 8-2 margin. No permit for the Transportation Corridor Agencies! Too bad. Maybe next time?