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Brandon Powers

Spin Spin Spin

It was awfully nice of Adam to go to such lengths yesterday to spin for the newest client of Probolsky Research, but unfortunately the facts just aren’t on his side in this case.

When a candidate has to take a second on his house, and move his money in and out, and in and out of his committee just to make a show of having it, nobody is fooled into believing that he has any intention of spending it.

Plus, a good chunk of the money Neil “raised” can only be spent in the General Election, and his Cash On Hand only shows what it shows because Neil seems to have sat on his debts for quite some time, racking up almost $25,000 in debt.

In fact, upwards of 43% of Neil’s Cash On Hand might as well be Monopoly money, as it’s already owed to someone, can’t be spent in the Primary, or is already owed to a bank somewhere.

And I don’t agree with Adam that Jeff is going to need to “significantly outspend” Neil in order to win, as one wouldn’t need anything larger than a Post-It note to be able to list Neil’s accomplishments, but at this point if it were necessary, he’s already capable of doing so.

Jeff has lived in Orange County longer than Neil. He’s been a conservative leader, and a leader in the Republican Party, helping raise over a million dollars to elect dozens and dozens of local elected officials. And he was one of the first supporters of Jessica’s Law.

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men can spin all day long for Neil, but it doesn’t change the fact they’re backing an empty suit who nobody had ever heard of before he decided it might be fun to try to play Assemblyman.