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Jon Fleischman

McCain’s Hardball Politics

Going into Super Tuesday, everyone (including our own analyst, John Lewis), had West Virginia favoring Mitt Romney. I knew that McCain had a strong force there, but not quite at Romney’s level. So I just about came out of my chair when I read that Mike Huckabee won the state’s delegates.

Get this – it’s a "convention" state, so the GOP delegates are elected in a very political environment. On the first ballot, Romney fell shy of what he needed to clinch the delegates. Behind him. But not too far, was McCain. Huckabee got only a handful of votes.

So what happened? Apparenlty, in order to deprive Romney of an eventual win, the McCain folks through their support, en masse, to the Huckster.

Now THAT is hardball politics.

6 Responses to “McCain’s Hardball Politics”

  1. Says:

    This is one of the reasons why Democrats cite McCain as the Republican candidate they most fear in the general election.

  2. Says:

    Folks might want to know that Jon is refering to the West VA GOP convention today…

  3. Says:

    As a side note, the Ron Paul campaign pledged its delegates to Huckabee in return for 3 national delegates. The campaign put out this press release announcing the deal:

    West Virginia was a dress rehersal for what’s going to happen Minneapolis IMO, only it will happen on a grander scale. Lots of horse trading and deal making is going to take place.

  4. Says:

    Hardball isn’t the word…
    more like DIRTY….

    We don’t do this kind of stuff against another Republican.

    I am very disappointed as to what went on in West Virginia.

  5. Says:

    This is politics.

    Anyone repulsed by this needs to get out of the political game. You’re not suited if this sort of thing offends you.

  6. Says:

    This is a friggin cake walk compared to what’s ahead. this isn’t even the 30th time this has happened.

    THis is also what happens when you use the name calling, attack-style politics…you get no mercy.