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Barry Jantz

McCain in CA

Fox and CNN call CA for McCain some time ago.  But, it’s the apportioned delegate count we’re all interested in…

McCain looks to be carrying every district in the state in the 40-50% range against Romney’s 20-30% range.

CNN election tracker at present has it McCain, 475 delegates, to Romney’s 151.  But, that’s with only 11 CA delegates included for McCain.  Add to that another 160+ from CA alone, and McCain is nearing the threshold numbers John Lewis indicated this morning (see post) to make this thing virtually inevitable.

Some would say it’s still early.  Put a fork in it.

7 Responses to “McCain in CA”

  1. Says:

    Just a note: currently (10:19pm) the CNN website says “McCain padded his lead in the Republican presidential race, capped by taking California’s 170 delegates.”

    Obviously, California is not winner-take-all so CNN’s delegate count should now be viewed with reservation.

  2. Says:

    True – however, checking the SOS website, McCain leads in every CD – which is how 159 of the delegates will be awarded (winner-take-all by CD), plus the State-wide delegates (to the popular vote winner). Still a lot of votes to count, but the early returns can’t be seen as a good sign for Romney.

  3. Says:

    Yes, CNN is indicating all the CA delegates based on McCain leading handily in every district. Not a winner-take-all state, but winner does take all if they win in every district.

  4. Says:

    The question now is: who will be his Veep pick?

  5. Says:

    One could certainly make the argument that Huckabee’s continued campaign, perhaps depriving Romney of wins in close states, combined with the W. Virginia deal-making of this morning, is shades of a future deal to come.

  6. Says:

    Just got off the phone with Assemblyman George Plescia, as he was leaving the County GOP shindig at Westgate in downtown SD. A McCain supporter, he’s feeling pretty good.

    If the likely scenario proves out, George believes conservatives that have had concerns will coalesce behind McCain, based on his track record on national security and other issues, especially given the alternative choice.

    Plescia knows many are concerned about McCain on the immigration issue, but notes how conservative he is on most social issues.

    He believes McCain will select a conservative as a VP running mate, which he said, “Would go a long way in reaching out to conservatives.” He noted both Huckabee and Romney as possible choices.

  7. Says:


    It now looks like Mitt Romney will avoid the shutout.

    He just took the lead in Rep. Devin Nunes’ 21st
    district (Tulare, Fresno). With 100% of precincts
    reporting Romney leads there by 216 votes.

    The race is also close (3% or less) in another 4 or 5
    other districts where Romney started gaining when
    the Election Day ballots began to be tabulated ….
    Stay tuned for the final totals.