Congressman Darrell Issa sent over this brief piece on his support for Senator John McCain’s campaign for President:

Early last summer, before evidence that the “surge” of U.S. troops in Iraq was making progress, Democrats and other “get-out-now” war opponents advocated creating a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. While some, seeking to bend to the whims of public opinion, advocated ideas like a private timeline for the withdrawal of troops, John McCain, understanding the horrific consequences America will face if we fail in Iraq, stood by our military and its mission in Iraq. His steady leadership, on the most important issue facing America, is why I support John McCain for President.
As a veteran and former POW, John McCain understands the hardships paid by men and women when we send them into harms way. Of all the candidates in the race for President, none can match his credentials on what I view as the most critical issue.
Like many conservatives, I have differed with Senator McCain on issues from immigration to campaign finance reform. These are important issues – I don’t underemphasize my personal belief that these involve fundamental questions about adherence to our laws and free speech. But even when Senator McCain fought for his immigration plan (something I would add that didn’t help him in his campaign to win the nomination) he maintained a common sense approach to the issue that allowed him to support the two most significant border security bills signed into law: the REAL ID Act that ended California’s misguided effort to give drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens and the Secure Fence Act that authorized construction of the border fence and enlarged the Border Patrol.
Something conservatives must also respect and appreciate is John McCain’s extensive work on fighting pork barrel spending – something he did long before Americans’ learned about Duke Cunningham’s greed and the Republican Party’s failure to control itself on spending.
John McCain is an American hero and someone our party can be proud to nominate for President of the United States. His demonstrated vision on national security, reigning in government spending excess, and record of straight talk on controversial issues are qualities neither Barrack Obama nor Hillary Clinton posses.
February 4th, 2008 at 12:00 am
Sage advice from a sage Congressman and future California Governor or U.S. Senator.
February 4th, 2008 at 12:00 am
More proof that Issa has been in Washington DC way too long – only interested in supporting the club members.