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Jon Fleischman

New Majority and Proposition 93

We’ll have plenty of time, after the fact, to write a pithy column on the Republican weenies who endorsed Proposition 93.  We’ll also be able to talk about the patriots who helped to finance the campaign taking on the mighty Speaker of the Assembly.

But I wanted to get one "shout out" on the record before election day.  The New Majority and its members made a significant (six figure) donation to the No on 93 campaign, and given their historical love-bond with Arnold Schwarzenegger, it was extremely notable that they stood their ground when the Governor flip-flopped on his support for our state’s existing legislative term-limits.

So to the New Majority folks, we say THANK YOU!

3 Responses to “New Majority and Proposition 93”

  1. Says:

    Good on them!

  2. Says:

    Jon, Jon, Jon…..

    Anyone that knows me, know I’m not a “weenie”. Of all the arrows shot at me for my support of Prop 93 – this is the one that hurts the most. OUCH….I may never recover.

    I’ve been called a lot of things – but, WEENIE?

    And, btw – I think Steve Poizner is a great guy. He’s a true friend. We just disagree about this.


  3. Says:

    Jim, it’s not all bad … one month the FR Senator of the Year, the next month a weenie.

    Call it the FR Weenator.