I was pretty surprised with Bill Simon, fresh off of his close friend Rudy Giuliani’s campaign, joined the McCain campaign as a senior member of their policy team. So, the onus is now on you, Bill. Good luck.
OK, with that said, Bill Simon makes his case for why YOU should support John McCain:

Those words were said by Ronald Reagan almost 40 years ago when he spoke to the California Republican Assembly. They are as true today as they were then.
He went on to say, “Within our tent, there will be many arguments and divisions over approach and method and even those we choose to implement our philosophy. Seldom, if ever, will we raise a cheer signifying unanimous approval of the decisions reached. But if our philosophy is to prevail, we must at least pledge unified support of the ultimate decision. Unity does not require unanimity of thought.”
As we approach Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses, we Republicans need to keep Ronald Reagan’s words in mind as we bring our party together and form a winning coalition for what will be a tough campaign in the fall.
I firmly believe that the candidate that can best do that and carry our party to victory in November is John McCain.
I was originally a supporter of Mayor Rudy Giuliani. When he dropped out and endorsed Senator McCain, I enthusiastically climbed aboard the Straight Talk Express. The mere thought of Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat in the White House during this critical time in our history is unimaginable.
I support John McCain for many reasons, but the most important reason is that I trust John McCain to keep this nation safe from the threat of radical Islamic extremism by continuing to take the fight to the enemy. As recently as last week when the Democrats were debating in front of their Hollywood buddies, I was appalled that Hillary and Obama were still talking about withdrawal from Iraq just as the surge that John McCain pushed so hard for is succeeding.
While there are many other issues that need to be addressed by the next president, including a weakening economy, profligate pork barrel spending laced with wasteful earmarks and illegal immigration, the number one issue is still national security. John McCain understands that without security there can be no prosperity. And no candidate, Republican or Democrat, is as prepared as John McCain to be Commander-in-Chief from day one.
For me the choice is clear. John McCain for President.
February 5th, 2008 at 12:00 am
Hi Bill … well with Huckabee working to get Hillary in there your boy is sure to do great tomorrow in California … and in the real world John is probably the only one who can beat the dems … db