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Jon Fleischman

PODCAST: Interview with Senator John McCain

Super Tuesday is just days away, and nationally, as well as here in California, the GOP Presidential Primary field seems to have become a horse race between Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.  While Congressman Ron Paul and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee are still in the race, they are definitely long-shots for the nomination. 

On Friday, we ran our exclusive PodCast interview with Governor RomneyToday, I am pleased to present an interview with Senator John McCain.

Yesterday afternoon, Senator McCain called in from Alabama, where he was preparing to fly to Georgia – the life of a Presidential candidate!  I had a chance to talk with the Senator about the War in Iraq, the challenge of dealing with the plague of Congressional earmarks, and of course we talked about California, and his campaigning here.  I hope you enjoy the interview – it lasts about five minutes.

Some of our recent past interviews include guests former Governor Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson (before he withdrew from the Presidential primary), former Governor Pete Wilson, Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, and a great interview with both Congressman John Campbell and Andy Roth, Political Director of the Club for Growth.  Check them out in The Library.

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