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Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Coalitions Director Steve Frank: My Vote Is Going To Governor Mitt Romney

I just got off of the phone with former California Coalitions Director for Rudy Giuliani, political consultant, and internet publisher Steve Frank.  He wanted to make perfectly clear to me and FlashReport readers that while he respects Mayor Giuliani’s endorsement of Senator John McCain, he will not be following in his footsteps.  He was adamant about this.  He is endorsing Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States.  Here’s the rationale for his decision:

“Governor Romney’s economic policies match those of Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  We know that Governor Romney, as President of the United States,
 will provide an economically conservative, tax-cutting administration.  We also know that Governor Romney has always opposed amnesty for illegal aliens, just as Mayor Giuliani has.  As a former Giuliani campaign leader, I believe Governor Romney comes closest to the ideals and principles of Mayor Giuliani and President Reagan.  This is the time for conservatives to join together and step up to provide a principled, consistent conservative administration in Washington.  I am honored and proud to be endorsing Governor Mitt Romney to lead our party and nation into the 21st century.  Conservative principles work, and I am confident Governor Romney would be consistent in pursuing them."

One Response to “Giuliani Coalitions Director Steve Frank: My Vote Is Going To Governor Mitt Romney”

  1. Says:

    I was a Guiliani supporter and the California activities on his behalf, particularly in Ventura County, were a fiasco.