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Jon Fleischman

CRA: Warning! Huckabee is a Spoiler!

I just got an "urgent alert" e-mail from the California Republican Assembly (paid for by their federal PAC) — warning me that Mike Huckabee is a spoiler, in the race to stop Mitt Romney from  consolidating the conservative vote.

I’m urged to distribute the flyer this Sunday at church (I’m Jewish, so probably not the right pitch for me), and there is a link to download the flyer.

You HAVE to download it and see it for yourself.

It is CLASSIC.  It literally compares Huckabee to the spoiler on a sportscar!

One Response to “CRA: Warning! Huckabee is a Spoiler!”

  1. Says:

    Yeah, I got this email too. I have to wonder, was CRA there to warn voters back in ’03 that a vote for Tom McClintock was a vote for Cruz Bustamante? Oh of course not.

    This thing is just silly. CRA, I’m still voting for John McCain by way of Ron Paul.