When it comes to United States foreign policy, there is perhaps no one more respected for his expertise on the subject, at least by conservatives, than Bruce Herschensohn. These days, Bruce is a professor teaching over at Pepperdine University, with an office right near that of Law School Dean Kenneth Starr. FlashReport
Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I had an opportunity to sit down with the conservative icon for the better part of an hour yesterday, courtesy of the John McCain for President campaign.
To say that Bruce is an ardent supporter of John McCain would be an understatement. As you will see from the interview below, Bruce feels that with the post 9-11 state of affairs around the world, foreign policy expertise and gravitas is reasons one through ten to suppport McCain.
Without any further introduction, here are Nicholas Romero and Bruce Herschensohn!
[Bruce is very soft spoken, and the FlashCam was across the table, so you may need to turn up your volume to hear him most clearly.]
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
Bruce Herschensohn is one of the most prominent conservatives in California. He took on Barbara Boxer when no one else was willing. He has stuck to his guns on the issues that concern conservatives most. If someone like this is supporting Senator McCain, then it’s clear that McCain is a true conservative, despite how others have tried to paint him.
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
Mr. Hightower –
If you watched carefully, Professor Herschensohn was arguing that all other considerations should be set aside for purposes of prosecuting the War on Terror. He was NOT asserting that Senator McCain is “a true conservative.” Far from it. He seemed to care less about McCain’s domestic policy faults, because, for him, the war took primacy.
I continue to believe – despite my enlightening conversation with Herschensohn – that we need to expect our Presidents to be able to walk and chew gum. That is, our Presidents should be able to serve as Commander In Chief and pursue and defend conservative domestic policies and make conservative appointments to key government posts.
Please don’t do our readers a disservice by distorting the facts. We’ve had enough of that from Senator McCain and his supporters this week.
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
Mr Romero-
We did watch carefully, and Professor Herschensohn’s words speak for themselves. It was clear from your questions that you weren’t receiving the answers from Professor Herschensohn that you were looking for. That’s OK, because the interview was BY not OF Nicholas Romero. The voters can make up their own minds about John McCain. Your suggestion that he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time is hardly the quality of information that we have come to expect from this site.
Thank you, however, for the Herschensohn interview. It is an excellent piece.
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
Mr. Forrester –
I have never been, nor will I ever be, an easy interviewer. I think it’s pointless and insulting to our readers/viewers to only throw soft ball questions.
Contrary to your enormous presumption, I don’t have a dog in the fight. I was supporting Fred Thompson. I’m still undecided.
My assertion is not that Senator McCain “can’t” walk and chew gum, but that he WON’T walk and chew gum. I’m confident he’ll prosecute the War on Terror, but that’s not enough for me. I want conservative domestic policies. I want conservative judicial appointments. I don’t want amnesty. I don’t want restrictions on freedom of speech. I don’t want fraudulent “climate change” regulations. I don’t want our troops to be subject to indictment by the International Criminal Court. I don’t want to be blatantly and repeatedly lied to about another candidate’s position on Iraq.
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
don’t fall for the bait kid….great piece…be proud of yourself.