I’m on the road, so here is the latest off the transom from the freedom fighters at No on 93: Desperate Nunez Contributes $1.1 Million to Yes on 93 to Save Speakership Sacramento – Apparently Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez believes it’s a matter of life or death whether he can keep his powerful post until 2014 by passing Proposition 93. At least that’s what recent television advertising by the Yes on 93 campaign suggested. Nunez’s team used EMT Tim Heard to tie the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and wildfires in California to the need to change term limits in their advertising. Who would have thought so much was on the line on whether the Speaker and his fellow Sacramento legislators can lengthen their terms in office? But then again, Proposition 93 has always been about Fabian Nunez and his lust for the power, perks and personal financial gain of public office. So it’s no wonder that a committee controlled by Nunez now reports contributing a total of almost $1.1 million to the Yes on Proposition 93 campaign. Obviously, the Speaker has waited until the last possible moment to contribute a total amount in excess of $1 million in order to limit public and media attention to his contributions. The Nunez-controlled Committee to Protect California’s Future (the name being just another example that in the Speaker’s mind protecting California’s future means protecting Fabian’s future) contributed $300,000 on January 15, $390,000 on January 29 and $400,000 today for a grand total of almost $1.1 million to the Yes on 93 effort. The Nunez contributions – along with the now almost $16.5 million (and growing) war chest of the Yes on 93 campaign filled by special interest and politician funds – shows that this misleading initiative isn’t “reform” but simply a naked power grab by incumbent politicians. “Self-serving” is the term most associated with Proposition 93 and it’s the description used by many of the 39 newspapers across California that have editorialized against this deceitful initiative. Nunez is desperate to cling to power. Unfortunately for the Speaker, the voters are much smarter than he’s given them credit for with his misleading and unethical campaign for Prop. 93.