The other day I put up a video of what I thought was a very effective Giuliani ad (guess not so much!). A loyal FR reader sent me a link to the following ad by Citizen’s United — a very effective piece against McCain…

The other day I put up a video of what I thought was a very effective Giuliani ad (guess not so much!). A loyal FR reader sent me a link to the following ad by Citizen’s United — a very effective piece against McCain…
January 31st, 2008 at 12:00 am
Ouch indeed…WHOA and WOW!
I don’t have sound on my computer, but reading the words in text on the screen next to Hillary Clinton and then John McCain at the end threw me off.
However, all of that information is true! If that is the case, then the choice must be easy and decisive as we head to the polls next Tuesday in California.