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Mike Spence

McClintock endorses Ron Paul?

Obvoiusly McClintock and Paul have a lot in common on idues.Obvoiusly McClintock and Paul have a lot in common on issues. Is Tom going to join the campaign now that Thompson is out? Actually, McClinctock says if he was to vote today he would support Paul, but points out the election isn’t today.

4 Responses to “McClintock endorses Ron Paul?”

  1. Says:

    Why not former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney? “I want somebody with a consistent record,” McClintock said. “I want someone who didn’t have to go through a political epiphany the day before he announced his candidacy.”

    Ouch. Well said, Tom.

  2. Says:

    It doesn’t surprise me at all that Tom would do the right thing and support Ron Paul. The campaign keeps picking up momentum. This should give Ron a nice bounce here in CA.

  3. Says:

    The sad thing is that if California GOPers supported Tom in ’03 instead of Arnold, there would be a good chance of McClintock being the Presidential candidate to beat.

    The moral of the story? DON’T support squishes.

  4. Says:

    Seems like a good move to me.