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Jon Fleischman

Support for Fabian’s Prop. 93 Plummets — Certain failure ahead…

In my career as a political professional, I have had an opportunity to work as the campaign coordinator for a successful statewide ballot measure (Prop. 227, in 1998, to end bilingual education in support of English immersion).  But it doesn’t even take someone with a lot of experience to make an early call on the fate of Proposition 93 a.k.a. "The Big Lie" a.k.a. the "Fabian Nunez Career Politician Term Limits Weakening Initiative."

This measure is going to be soundly defeated by California voters, preserving our state’s strong legislative term limits, and upholding the idea that the state legislature is supposed to be a place where citizens give of their time for a few years, and then return home to live under the laws they create.  Californian’s will re-affirm their decision that they simply do not was a class of career politicians under the Capitol dome.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Support for Fabian’s Prop. 93 Plummets — Certain failure ahead…”

  1. Says:

    I got an email from Tom McClintock saying if Prop 93 passes he can spend one more term in the Senate. Jon, don’t you want your political hero to spend one more term in the Senate?

  2. Says:

    I don’t think this is correct:

    “upholding the idea that the state legislature is supposed to be a place where citizens give of their time for a few years, and then return home to live under the laws they create.”

    We don’t seem to get rid of them, they always seem to find a cushy government job in Sacramento and they continue to feed at the public trough…. like parasites on the hard-working taxpayers.

  3. Says:

    You hit it right on the mark, Jon. This illustrates, yet again, Fabian Nunez’s arrogant belief that this is a one-party state, and will blindly follow him wherever he goes. Voters are learning the truth–and that is that they are pulling a fast one on California voters.