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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Steve Poizner is “all in” against 93 — The stakes are as high as they can be for him.

When you play poker, the expression "all in" refers to when a player takes all of the chips in front of them, and pushes them all to the center of the table. It means that everything comes down to one hand. If you win, you win big. You win it all. If you lose, then you lose everything with which you came to the table. It takes a particularly gutsy or brave poker play to go "all in" for obvious reasons. But, while you take an incredible risk, you have the chance to reaping incredible rewards.

From time to time, we have situations in politics that remind me of the poker concept of being "all in" — and we have one such political situation going on in California politics right now.

The poker player? California’s Republican Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.

Steve Poizner’s stock went up in my book several times over when he stepped up to the plate to take on the leadership role of the organized effort to stop the passage of Proposition 93, which we call "The Big Lie" initiative. This is the measure that, if it passes, will allow a slew of Sacramento politicians to escape mandatory retirement from term limits, which at the same time purporting to "strengthen" term limits. Hence, the big lie.

The measure exemplifies political insiders at their worst, conniving and scheming to protect their careers and their fiefdoms. It represents a scandalous months-long fleecing of dozens of interests that have matters that are or could be before the Legislature, with Fabian Nunez forcing people to make big contributions to his committee to pass The Big Lie.

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Steve Poizner is “all in” against 93 — The stakes are as high as they can be for him.”

  1. Says:

    Good article about a good man. Steve Poizner is brave and willing to invest in the right ideas to better this state. I have nothing but respect for him. Hopefully he is successful in defeating the big lie. I think he would be a great governor!

  2. Says:

    Thank you Steve!!

  3. Says:

    It is a good thing that Poizner is doing the right thing. It is very sad that it is considered unique or “brave” to do what he feels is correct for California. Brave to me are the soldiers who are getting shot at in the war. The fact that it is unique speaks to the reason Californians are skeptical of their elected officials. Dem or Rep.

  4. Says:

    It is a good thing that Poizner is doing the right thing. It is very sad that it is considered unique or “brave” to do what he feels is correct for California. Brave to me are the soldiers who are getting shot at in the war. The fact that it is unique speaks to the reason Californians are skeptical of their elected officials. Dem or Rep.

  5. Says:

    Good article.

  6. Says:

    Steve Poizner has proven to be a rare man of principle. We need more like him in Sacramento.

    The current term limits may not be perfect in every respect, but Prop. 93 is phony reform designed to advantage a tiny group of incumbent lawmakers. Thank God Steve Poizner is willing to say so in public, now that our Republican-in-Name-Only Governor has flip-flopped.