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Jon Fleischman

Is Fabian lying about public support of “The Big Lie” Prop 93?

For a solid day now, I keep hearing from different sources that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and his "people" have been trying to buck up some of their insider supporters of his term-limits weakening measure, Proposition 93.  Over and over I keep hearing that they are saying that "internal polls" show the measure ahead with 58% of the vote.
What is the polite was to say this?  I don’t believe him.   Unless he has a totally biased pollster who is being paid to conduct a survey designed to give artifially high positives for his measure (perhaps to encourage more potential donors).
From what I hear (from reliable sources), the measure is running neck and neck, with the numbers FAR below 50%.
Normally we would just have to make this a "he said, she said" situation, and shrug.  But I have learned that the latest Field Poll survey data on Proposition 93 will be publicly released tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see what it says.
Hey, if the numbers are as great as "Team Nunez" has been spreading, I shall issue an apology right here on this blog.
But, if the Field Poll shows far less support for Proposition 93, well, then it will in fact prove that Fabian Nunez is more than willing to say anything to pass this self-serving measure.

One Response to “Is Fabian lying about public support of “The Big Lie” Prop 93?”

  1. Says:

    The Field survey is out, and it shows Proposition 93 support dropped 11 points
    since December. Now it is 39% Yes vs. 39% No overall, and Republicans are
    against it, 46-38.

    Probably more important, voters over age 50 oppose Prop. 93 by a 45-35 ratio,
    and it is axiomatic that those over-50 folks VOTE.

    Looks like 93 will soon be “86ed” ! :)