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San Bernardino County Is Fast Becoming Romney Country!

Full Disclosure: Like many in my home county of San Bernardino, I am a supporter of Mitt Romney’s candidacy.
San Bernardino County – a county which solidly went for then-Governor George W. Bush over US Senator John McCain in the 2000 GOP presidential primary – is today fast becoming unshakable territory for Mitt Romney.
As news broke that Fred Dalton Thompson has ended his bid for the White House, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Vice Chair Gary Ovitt – an early Thompson backer – announced he is now enthusiastically supporting Mitt Romney. Ovitt, who also serves as chair of the county’s Republican Party Central Committee, is joining all three of his Republican supervisorial colleagues (Chairman Paul Biane, Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt, and Supervisor Dennis Hansberger) in backing the former Massachusetts governor.
In addition to unanimous support from San Bernardino County’s Republican supes, my boss, County Assessor Bill Postmus, is a Romney backer. Another Mitt Romney supporter is the county’s popular Congressman Buck McKeon.
Other notable public figures in support of Mitt Romney in San Berdu include State Senator Bob Dutton, Assemblymember Anthony Adams, Assemblymember Bob Huff, Ontario Mayor Paul Leon, Upland Mayor John “JP” Pomierski, Fontana City Councilmember Janice Rutherford, Rancho Cucamonga City Councilmember Rex Gutierrez, Upland City Councilmember Brendan Brandt and former Assemblymember Russ Bogh.
No doubt about it, today was a great day for Mitt Romney. Polling is showing momentum swinging his way in critical upcoming contests, and today’s endorsements from Supervisor Gary Ovitt and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher indicate California is trending positive for Romney – and San Bernardino County will lead the way for a Romney victory in the Golden State.
Watch for more key San Bernardino County support for Mitt Romney over the next two weeks.