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Jill Buck

Sac Bee Backs McCain!

Greetings, Flash Report Buddies! It’s a great day to be a California Republican…the Sacramento Bee recommends Senator John McCain in the upcoming GOP primary! We were fortunate to have the Senator at the CRP convention in Indian Wells last year, and thanks to my fellow FR flasher, Tom Ross, I got to meet the Senator. I’m so proud of the Senator’s resilience and statesmanlike campaign…he makes me proud to be a Reagan Republican! I love the way he reaches out to all Republicans in his speeches, and not just the ones working on his campaign. He’s a unifier. Here’s what the Sac Bee has to say:

The Bee recommends: McCain
For GOP, a nominee of principle

Published 12:00 am PST Saturday, January 19, 2008
With no incumbent in the 2008 presidential race, the American people (and the Republican Party) face a clean break from the eight-year Bush presidency. That makes John McCain the clear choice for us. As a senator with 20 years experience, a former Navy pilot and Vietnam prisoner of war, McCain has the independence, moral compass and public service ethos to renew the presidency and his party.

McCain is a partisan Republican in the mold of Theodore Roosevelt. And, like T.R., he is not a prisoner of doctrinaire thinking or poisonous hyperpartisan politics.

On issues that matter to California – such as immigration, climate change and free trade – McCain has forged bipartisan coalitions and been willing to take unpopular stands.

Climate change is real; that debate is over, he says. He was an early leader in Congress in proposing "cap and trade" legislation to reduce emissions.

On immigration, he has been a national leader for a humane, realistic immigration policy that combines a guest-worker program, a path to citizenship and border enforcement. He insists that "America is still the land of opportunity. … And we’re not going to erect barriers and fences."

He has long insisted that "isolationism and protectionism are fool’s errands."

McCain was one of two Republican senators to vote against President Bush’s $1.35 trillion tax cut in 2001. He also voted against the proposed repeal of the federal estate tax in 2002 and the Bush tax cut of 2003 (though he voted to extend the Bush tax cuts in 2006). He has relentlessly fought to expose and eliminate wasteful pork projects.

With McCain, there would be no more presidential hedging on waterboarding or support for torture. "I’d close Guantánamo Bay and I’d declare we never torture another person in American custody," he has said. Terrorists, he insists, are "the quintessence of evil." But, he continues, "it’s not about them; it’s about us" – what Americans stand for in the world.

The most important thing that McCain brings to the 2008 race is a clear position on the war in Iraq. He thinks we need more troops in Iraq. He’s willing to endure a 100-year occupation or longer. He believes President Bush’s surge is working. He remains committed to "Iraq’s transformation into a progressive Arab state."

With all the Democratic candidates favoring phased withdrawal, McCain would provide the American people with a clear choice: Either vote for the candidate who wants to stay in Iraq indefinitely (McCain) or vote for the candidate who wants to get out (the Democrat).

Let us be clear: We believe McCain has an unduly rosy picture of Iraq and is wrongheaded in advocating long occupation. But he is a principled proponent of his view, and he would force the other side to present a strong case to the American people. We’d love to see Lincoln-Douglas style debates between McCain and the Democratic nominee – on Iraq and all the great issues challenging this nation in a post-Bush world.


5 Responses to “Sac Bee Backs McCain!”

  1. Says:

    Hmmm….the Sac Bee endorses McCain.

    And they also endorsed Obama….

    Answer me this – if McCain and Obama both win their party nominations, who do you think this bastion of conservatism will endorse in the General Election?

    This is not an endorsement I’d crow loudly about. :-/

  2. Says:

    Dear Senator,

    Who they endorse in the general is their business, and I won’t wait with baited breath that it will be a Republican…for all we know they will end up endorsing Bloomberg…we’ll have to wait and see. The bottom line for me is simply this:

    They make some excellent points that bear repeating, b/c these are points that matter to everyday voters. And in the end, that’s what will make all the difference in the privacy of the voting booth.

    Thank you for commenting, Senator. I appreciate and respect your views.

    Jill Buck

  3. Says:

    I apologize Jill – my comments did sound a little testy.

    Congrats on Senator McCain’s endorsement.


  4. Says:

    It doesn’t hurt to be compared to Roosevelt when running in an election that is wide open. Inspiring those whom haven’t voted recently or are unaffiliated with any party is what will win this election.

    I don’t think this endorsement is too consequential at this point. It does, however, bring more attention to this party–which could certainly use the positive attention.

    I’d bet they endorse Lou Dobbs. Jill, wanna wager five bucks? Bloomer vs Dobber?

  5. Says:

    You’re on! (: